Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Wow.....Just wow

   Looking back....44 years with this disease, and just wow.  Today we in the DOC have lost another member of our family.  A young member.  Too young.
   And to think..the doctors told my parents I would not make it either.  I think a lot of our parents were told this same thing, years ago.  Luckily, we have proved those doctors wrong.  I've outlived my they can take that to their graves...pffft.
   Why am I here?  What is my real purpose here?  
Is it to help others deal with this disease?  I thoroughly enjoy this, as many know.  I am in my glory when I am asked to help figure out an issue.  Totally.
Or is it to sit in frustration, when I can't figure out why I can't help someone resolve  an issue?  Nothing irritates me more when I can't help makes me feel useless, frustrated, and not worthy of being a friend.
But this is childish, I know.  Just becasue I have had this disease for 44 years., or because anyone has had this disease a certain amount of years, does not make us know it alls.  NO ONE knows everything there is to know.  I dont' care who you are, or who you think you are.  You can be a writer, a blogger, a d-mom, d-dad, d. anything, anyone.  You do not know it all. 
And, this is what bothers me.  Some do think they know it all.  And they don't hesitate to make others think they know it all.  And force it upon others. 
Maybe I am going in the wrong direction here, but I am going to continue.....a good vent once in a while is good for the stress levels.  let it all out,right? 
The DOC needs to be one big group, work as ONE.  Not against each other.  I know there have been rants about this before.  And certain people just don't get it.  And continually don't get it.  That is why they are not quite full fledged "members" I guess.   Not that the DOC is a "membership", don't get me wrong.  We are a family....  but to be a part of our family, you still have to kind of follow some rules.  and the main one is politeness, and respect.  For each other.  Don't  think your way is the only way. Or the best way for everyone else. It isn't.

YMMV- your mileage may vary....and it does.  How I use my insulin pump might work for me, but it may very well not work for A.  Or B.  Or C.  But it may work for D.  But I won't force my way on B,C and D.  I will not do that.  I will suggest things to them.  But I will NOT force it upon them.  My way is just that.  Mine.

  And...if I so choose to post a story to my wall, its my wall, and I choose to do so because I want to share the news or picture etc with you, my friends. I do not do it to draw negative comments or cause disruption or arguments.  I have never done this.  When negative comments have started, I have asked that they be stopped or removed.  If they were not, I removed them.  I will not tolerate negative nellies on my posts.  I think we in the DOC deal with enough in our daily struggles and lives as it is; we do not need someone coming into our space adding more bull to it.  Enough is enough; if they can't respect our wishes and keep it positive; get off my wall. 

So, on that note, I end with a few more thoughts- why are any of us here?
We are here for one purpose- to carry on and H.O.P.E. for a cure for this disease we all share.  I share my disease with all of you, as my brothers and my sisters, my friends, my family.  We share the pain, the joy, and the love. For there is love.  For every day we wake up, there is love to share.

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